How to Structure a React Project

In the article you will get the boilerplate structure I use for #React projects.

Here is the simple example of code you can copy and paste into your project and then refactor.

The design pattern we are primarily going to use is the container-component.

Here is the container:

// containers/HomeContainer.js
import React from 'react';

import HomeComponent from '../components/HomeComponent';

class HomeContainer extends React.Component {

     *  Initializer

    constructor(props) {

     *  Utility

     *  Component Life-cycle Management

     *  API callback functions

     *  Event handling functions

     *  Main render function

    componentDidMount() {}

    render () {
        return (

export default HomeContainer;

Here is the component:

// components/HomeComponent.js
import * as React from 'react';

import {
} from 'react-native';

const HomeComponent = (props) => {
    const { navigation } = props;
    return (
      title="Go to Settings"
      onPress={() =>
        navigation.navigate('Settings', { name: 'Jane' })

export default HomeComponent;

Some notes from the above code:

  • Containers are Class based Components.
  • Components are Function based Components.
  • The container and component file exist in a single directory.
  • I always keep the comments, even if I don’t use the section.

Cover photo by Joan Gamell on Unsplash.